Easy, isn't it?
Murks is traveling in kairo-topo sense of time-space. At times there could be pages of hyperbolic reflections and impressions of the habitated activities... At times there is nothing to say...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Dr Murks is an horisontal organiser
Easy, isn't it?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Dr Murks in trouble with the time
Everything takes too much time.
Thinking takes time - but if you never think it does not take time?
Talking takes time - but if you never talk it does not take time?
Writing takes time - but if you never write it does not take time?
Deciding takes time - but if you never decide it does not take time?
Crying takes time - but if you never cry it does not take time?
Laughing takes time - but if you never laugh it does not take time?
Cleaning takes time - but if you never clean it does not take time?
Living takes time - but if you never live it does not take time?
Finishing takes time - but if you never finish it does not take time?
Who knows?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Dr Murks is smoking

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Dr Murks is listening voices
One plays music: "que te caliente el sol"
One plays interviews made in autumn. Dr Murks does not recognize his own voice. It seems that was the sister of Dr Murks who made the talking - sounds so different from the voice Dr Murks normally has in his head. The situations are coming back in mind and Dr Murks is silently laughing at the jokes on tape and smiling to the people who made these days.
One calls from the kitchen: "Murks, would you care for boiled, fried or baked fish?"
Dr Murks makes deductions
+ the mind is specially in confusion
+ all the friends should wear 24h position system and maybe a small web camera that the others could always know where they are and how they feel
+ it is specially good to eat food that somebody else has been cooking
+ it is good to share a flat with other people - just to hear them dealing with their everyday hobbies
+ talking, talking, talking, talking, talking is good
+ making jokes is good, laughing is good, crying is good
+ when red trousers and white blouse is but together to the washing machine the blouse will become pink
+ physical contact is good
+ physical activity is good
+ Cuban son is a great music
+ drinking, drinking, drinking together with friends is good
Still, one thing confuses..
Are the soul and the body different things? Can they be separated if one gets enough? Why?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Dr Murk is homesick
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Dr Murks has "Tartu day"
Today it was one of these days.
Dr Murks went out to make a language test in the morning, finish a small report by noon and come home start backing for the trip. At noon it started to turn into one of these Tartu days... A office-mate showed his pictures from Azerbaijan and Georgia - an hour left, Dr Murks went home, ate, and some friends came by for coffee. Later Dr Murks went for a small visit to the library for some books, got an idea to step by a second-hand shop and found excellent shirt for the travel, met Mdm Tea on the way home, who gave him a small parcel for trip-surprise (can not write what it really is..) and invited to visit another friend, some cups of tea and some snaps there and on the way sending Mdm Tea home meeting Mr Kaido on the streets who was just on the way to sauna, without much thinking quick decision to join the sauna and here we go.. At the end at home by midnight to finally start packing for The TRIP. Sleeping in the morning.
The time in Tartu.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Dr Murks smells the winter
Dr Murks feels the need to leave. To migrate to the south. To take the stock to the south where the grass is greener, the sun gives more energy and the milk will be more nutritious. The time is near when Dr Murks leaves all active projects unfinished, half-eaten bread to the table and half-drunk beer next to it, half-knitted socks uncompleted... Dr Murks takes the rucksack and walks away.
"And Dr Murks would just feel joy,
when you sometimes see the Moon and wonder
that only the Devil knows, how Dr Murks is doing..."
Monday, October 8, 2007
Dr Murks is dancing on an autumn ball
Like the guy, to whom Dr Murks gave a lift the other day.
A: "I need to go and support Koit Toome in a TV show "Strictly Come Dancing"" (Koit Toome is a young singer)
DM: "Why? Is he your friend?"
A: "Not really a friend. But I need to keep the contact with him and show my interest because I want him to come to sing at my sisters' wedding"
DM: "Does your sister likes his music?"
A: "Not really"
DM: "Do you like his music?"
A: "Not really. But, you know, it is just to make a good show and have a surprise on the wedding. This famous guy in coming - it is something to impress the guests."
DM: "Hmm, interesting. When will the wedding be? In some weeks?"
A: "No, next year in August"
Dr Murks was a bit shocked. First, there is somebody planning a big party a year in advance. What if they break up meanwhile, what if they do not feel like dancing at this day after a year, what if.. And the party already seems boring for the participants point of view with a famous singer whose songs nobody really likes. But that is how it supposed to be. Long-organized parties with celebrates, people come, smile their iron smiles, say greetings and compliments and leave..
Dr Murks feels like a nerd.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Dr Murks is sleeping in hey
The people are passing by. Some are asking about the wool. Some are buying the things. "What is the price? How can I wash it? Where do you curry the skins? Where could I use these?" There are so many standard questions that Dr Murks and Mr Aadam have already standard answers to all. Few people can surprise with their weird questions. The time is passing quickly. For the last hour they lower skin-prices for 50% as the new batch will arrive soon. The fair ends and they count the money. Not the best fair but not the worst. Now quickly to Lilac-farm and to village-sauna in Ardu.
The times are separated according to the sex. Dr Murks sits alone in the sauna as the village-people are not coming. Alone in a huge hot-heated room with the biggest heating-place Dr Murks has ever seen, in the best sauna ever. Weird to feel that the sauna-man has heated it only for Dr Murks.
Later in Lilac-farm the autumn-food needs to be eaten. Potatoes and mushrooms, mushrooms and potatoes. After sitting and chatting with the family in the kitchen some sheep-skins are taken to the barn and nice nests to sleep are ready. What a beauty to wake up when the sun is shining from the open door.
After breakfast to the apple-yard to pick the fruits to the juice, to sheep range for changing the area, to carrot field to pick the carrots to take with, to the trees to sledge down with funicular etc, etc. Real busy-lazy Sunday. And in the afternoon to find the most colorful road to drive back to Tartu. Hmmm
Dr Murks in describing-mood.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Dr Murks has jumping mood
Bul-bul-bul-bul-bul-bul-bul-bul, as Sveta sometimes says...
Tomorrow, for example, Dr Murks will born as a confident, patient and sharp sighted moderator for the series of group-interviews he has been preparing for several days. Few would recognize that this is just the good, lazy and a bit shy Dr Murks.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Dr Murks is picking mushrooms
The trees are red. The leaves are falling. The wind is cold. The sun is still warm. The sun is still warm when it shines on Dr Murks' nose. Dr Murks is walking in the forest and the nose is bended downwards looking for mushrooms hidden in moss or under fallen leaves. The nose is dripping because it got a little cold. Soon Dr Murks will go back to the house and will prepare a huge pan of mushroom-sauce. With potatoes. And a big teakettle will be fulfilled. A cup of tea with honey to everyone! And a little vodka.
Dr Murks saw a brightest rainbow ever. Red-yellow-blue. It was so bright that it could have set the fores in fire. So burning. So clear.
Dr Murks went on a autumn-fair to sell home-made bread. The fairground was full of people. The bread finished quickly and the pear-juce. They made an exhibition of biggest vegetables farmers grew this season. The heaviest bumpkin was 42kg.
It is autumn.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Dr Murks and the key-souls
How many keys a person can lose in life? There should be limit.
Dr Murks started losing keys in the early days. Dr Murks could lose a key just from a pocket, from a small hole in the pocket, to a small crass, to a sewage, to a compost dumping ground, to a toilet bowl etc. Dr Murks can not even remember all the places where keys could get lost. Even when a key was bound on a ribbon and hanged over the neck - it still got lost.
After many years Dr Murks again lost keys. Now the helpful bike is standing locked in town and Dr Murks is sad as the lock is too good to open easily without the key. What to do?
Dr Murks hopes that the souls of the keys are not coming to get Dr Murks lost.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Dr Murks has a regional plan
Dr Murks has also plans with the country sides. Dr Murks takes a train, or bike, or both, or goes by hitchhiking, or asks sb come along with a car. Dr Murks looks around. Dr Murks goes in every shop on the road-sides in small villages and buys at least one item (ice-cream, beer, postcard...). Dr Murks enjoys the scenery.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Dr Murks has a pet
No, it is not a dog.
No, it is not even a horse.
It is a fly. Fly called The Fly (Kärbes).
Dr Murks met the fly first two mornings ago, when the fly was walking on an arm and waking him up. Annoying. Go away stupid fly and let me sleep. But the fly did not go. The fly had found the master and Dr Murks can't do nothing about it. First of all the fly was really annoying and Dr Murks looked for a moment to smash it with a newspaper. But the fly was too quick. Escaped.
The fly stays at home. When Dr Murks is sitting in the armchair and reading, the fly sits on the legs begging for caress. When Dr Murks lays on the floor and draws, the fly walks happily on the back - massaging. And when Dr Murks does not pay enough attention to the fly, the fly even tries to walk into Dr Murks' nose or eyes. After some time Dr Murks got used to the fly and looks for the fly every time Dr Murks reaches home. Is the fly still here or left? So far the fly is there :).
That is how they comfort each other in the beginning of cold autumn days.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Dr Murks in a woolen pile
Dr Murks put on woolen socks, warm trousers, woolen cardigan, scarf, hat, gloves and thick jacket. The equipment needed to be resistant to the weather conditions. The metal-bottle was taken from the shelf and filled with rum and put to the pocket. That was all.
It gets dark already at 9pm, the time Dr Murks left home. Dr Murks walked on dim-lighted streets towards the city center. The big-big-big screen was put up there. They showed films. They showed films for anybody who teared to come to the town hall square for the cold evening. And there were many. There were a huge pile of woolen people, wearing woolen sweaters and holding woolen blankets around. They were sitting, watching, laughing and crying as the film developed. The huge pile of woolen people on the first days of falls.
Dr Murks gives a lift
Some months later, last weekend Dr Murks was driving the first time the same highway. Driving as a driver. The speed limit was 110. Despite the limit, angry flows of cars passed quickly the small red transporter. The road was curvy and Dr Murks breath freely after every curve. The only pleasure was to pick up all hitchhikers from the road side, fortunately there was room for every. By the end of the trip Dr Murks was still convinced that it is no pleasure or convenience to drive a car when there is a possibility to take a bus or train. Even if it takes more time and needs more planning.
For conclusion. It is really hard to change somebodies everyday practices. People are the slaves of their hobbies, customs. The man is not making easy decision when going on a bus and Dr Murks sits on a drivers place with doubts.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Dr Murks in the kitchen
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Dr Murks in a city machine
Living in Southern Estonia brainwashes everybody with the visions of arrogant, busy, capitalistic, ugly, stupid, etc Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Some years ago Dr Murks did not visit the capital for many months, although the family and many friends lived there.. Then the city become as a field of study and Dr Murks started to see it as a functioning region, as flows of people, as a field for planners and architects to fulfill their (crazy) ideas. From this moment on, the city started to be much more interesting, much more inspiring... But still - the people seemed like part of the system, the events were supposed to happen due to the city as a big machine where everybody is just playing the part others expect..
On Sunday Dr Murks had a role as a living book in the Living Library. Whoever was interested on the topic could lend the book and listen, ask questions, comment, discuss.. Big success, big success. Dr Murks was loaned by quite cool people. And, as a good book supposed to, the discussions turned the opposite direction and the Book found out much more about the readers than probable the readers about the Book :). Hmmm, a girl from Udmurtia learning Estonian language and literature, a mother and a tougher who happened to be a mother and a sister of somebody Dr Murks knows and the talk turned around to discuss how he is doing, how is his life going etc.
And later Dr Murks visited a White Nights Film Festival. The films were projected on an electricity box by the street in the burgh named "The New World". It is not a new city district, built probable in the beginning of 20th century, but the streets names are: Planet, Comet, Little America, Dawn etc.Dr Murks ancestries used to live there in the 50s. Now the local community tries to enliven their region and signs on the streets ask everybody to join the Film Nights... All together maybe 20 people come, sit on a grass and listens Regina from Citylab to explain the content of the films. Chill, chill. Three films. Finally at midnight Dr Murks sits on a bike and rides back to the suburbs where the family is living. Empty streets, rare cars, rare walkers, rare street-cleaners, dark night.
The city machine turned to function much more interestingly than seen from the South.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Dr Murks makes 23h walk
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Dr Murks on a jumping ball
All girls in the world in the minority of "baby-less", unite in the fate of NOT having children. Keep your identity! To not let anybody to teach you the words - beestings, diapers, playsuit etc. To not let them grab you into the club of parents. Though, the pressure is high, the pressure is high.
Hmm, at the same time. Dr Murks really likes to jump on a jumping ball and play horsemen and knights, lay and play on fresh-cut grass, hear and tell the fairy-tales... on these child-rich events. Maybe it is not even too bad that some people are called mothers...
Friday, August 3, 2007
Dr Murks is a handybilly
The team is: Svetka, Masha, Ljoha, Ksusha, Zhenja and Lena. The whole trip can be described with one sentence: "To plan or not to plan? - there is no question as in the end everything will anyway solve smoothly".

Specially Masha and Svetka must needle and glue the one carefully before using it as the canvas is old and with the sun is shining through it.

Zenja and Ljoha and Svetka and... are happily making plans where to go. Specially because they found out that the original ideas include a 5km river with all together 80m downfall and stream to the opposite direction :S. The planning will take ages and it is never-ending as the no plan is finally fulfilled. There are always some surprises and keep the brain and mood fresh. Everybody is happily making new and new plans.

Meanwhile just relax and грести (oar). Collect the paper for penalty fare because nobody knew and could not imagine that the байдарка has to be registered :S. And милиция (police) can also wait on 10m2 islands. As least Lena knows that the fine will be expired in half a year and all are willing to wait for these 6 months.

At midnight there is a time to make a stop for обед (lunch) to stew some грибок (mushrooms) with гречка (buckwheat).

In addition to lake-oaring the crew has to cover some distance between the острый камень (sharp stones).

As on-going planning did not succeed arranging train tickets back to the City the hitchhiking trip is leading Svetka and Masha to a bigger town.

And later to a small wooden village Kovda by White Sea to meet the other members of the pack. Due to a different reasons they reach 8h earlier than the others. Much time to examine the village. It turns out that Kovda is a mecca of intelligence. On the picture the intelligence can be seen - a programmer, a philologist, a самовар (a type of teapot), Svetka and a geologist. As the Sea is famous for its high biodiversity - there was also a biology center on the other side of the river.

White Sea is full of different seaweed, shells, starfish, mammals... It is easy to get friends with the rock-star Camilla and her band.

Finally, not to undervalue the importance of a fire-place during a water-rich travel.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Dr Murks is wearing Red Belt
Tomorrow :) will Dr Murks tell you about a famous rock-star Camilla and her band - Edmond, Edward, Edgar..
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Dr Murks wishes to speak all languages
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Dr Murks goes for Nordic Walking
The activity turned into a good time for reflecting a day. And although the day was not too busy Dr Murks found quite many points that were worth to think of.
Some scientists found a huge sweet water body under Darfur region and they say it will end the war, violence, presumed genocide, hunger... in this region. Hmm, what a small thing is needed to end a misery - fresh water source. It sounds a bit unbelievable that it is really there where it is the most shortage. Like a fairy-tale. Just 1,000 new wells and the war is over. Life is so easy and though it is made so complicated.
In Paris they but up a cool city-bike-system and when a reporter asked from the chief of the traffic police - Villu Vane - if the same system would work as well in Tartu or Tallinn or Pärnu he answered: " Maybe, but first we would need good technical network for bikers." Dr Murks would happily take this sentence and throw to the faces of Tartu city government. To the ones that are always monkey wrenches in the works for biking facilities in Tartu.
Dr Murks was reading a wanderers book by Hendrik Relve. He wrote that he can never buy any second hand clothes anymore because in nganassaan culture in North Siberia they personalize the things so much that if somebody dies they leave all his stuff with dead body. Although they leave the body and the things just somewhere in taiga, nobody desecrates the final rest place as they thing in the things stays a portion of the persons spirit. If anybody would take even a small thing the spirit will come and haunt in his house - something bad will happen for sure.
Dr Murks was a bit looking around in his room and thinking how many different people in this sense are living together with him in the room. Quite a nice and diverse company. But for Dr Murks it seemed nice to be here with all these people who had once also used these madrases from old dormitory, Mother in her sawing machine, Liisi and her carpets, Tea and the desk, Birks and some bags... There are quite few things being belonged only to Dr Murks. The things have their story and the story is going on. Of course the things are made by somebody and for somebody and the maker buts a part of him in the thing. But even for your own old things, the things made by Dr Murks, it is just so great to see that they are not left alone and useful for somebody else as well. It is quite special feeling to see your piece of art hanging on somebodies wall or the cardigan or a cap knitted by yourself (the you lent to somebody and the one forgot to give back and lent again to somebody and...) being in use by people you do not even know. It is like the feeling as you could be in totally different places at the same time. In this sense Dr Murks likes the idea of having a part of the soul in your belongins. The different perspectives of materialism.
Tomorrow the Collins family will pay a visit to Dr Murks. The Collins family is a crazy family. They just came to spent the summer in Estonia as any summer recently, 5/6 of them have never visited Tartu. Only Kaie has - the mother and Dr Murks cousin. The other time of the year they are living in England, even Simon for now (the father) - before he was working as an accountant at the same time in Nigeria and Kazakhstan :S. The parents of Simon are lived most of their life in Zimbabwe doing partly developing work. There are also two children. Dr Murks is looking forward to hear some good English again and thinking up the most interesting tours for the gang.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Dr Murks and blueberry
Of cause! It is already the blueberry time but he had not eaten any! Had not been in the pine forest in Vigala and had not been picking any of the berries for eating, making jam, cakes or juice. Dr Murks suddenly felt like a small hedgehog in a hurry to prepare for long autumn and winter. The fingers started to move quickly as they were removing the small easily breakable berries from the bush. So, the stuff in mind and the stuff in action. The blueberries had conquered the whole forest. Dr Murks took a troop of picker with and was just sitting on a sod filling the bucket. When the company finally left the blanket of woods everybody were camouflaged with blueberry colors - hard to recognize who is who. A Blueberry family.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dr Murks is oaring to North-East
- "Do you know how long it takes to make Russian visa?"
- "About 2 weeks. Why do you ask?"
- "Some old friends of mine invited me to a kayak trip in Karelia in the end of July and I wondered if you would like to join us"
- "Hmmm, you are totally correct - I would!"
After 12 hours Dr Murks already gave the passport and pictures and signature for the visa. For now it is just two weeks to get a bit prepared for... What a kayak looks like? What is the theory to use the paddles? Where to get hermetic bag, helmet and life vest, maybe some more useful stuff..? How to speak Russian? What would be the good songs to sing by the campfire?
To get prepared to be surprised :) and wet.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Dr Murks is mutable
At the same time, Dr Murks has the feeling that everything will solve soon in its best. Nothing is obligatory. Life is borrowed just for a short time and everybody has an opportunity to make best use of it. There is no need to force into something that seems wrong and waste the time for that. Newer know when you see the other people last - use the best time with them.
Hmmm, why these last sentences sound so superficial? How to express them that they would not? Maybe just not to say them out but hide them in the actions... Concurrently, it is hard to put something into words anyway, specially the feelings. Still, if one is not able to then it is just a source for stupid misunderstandings and sometimes even anger. Dr Murks reached now the chaos in his thoughts - will quickly end.
But resent news from Cam say: "Mangoes and other fruits are the order of the day"; and the wind of changes is blowing irrespective of the chaos.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Dr Murks talks about waste during the Singing Festival
As Mdm Sister needs to finish her thesis by August the Knife family had special assignment for the Festival. To question people about their waste management, focusing on how much they separate the different types of waste. So, the Knife-sisters were walking around the Festival ground and surprised people with their unusual questions. The idea was good that as there are so many people in the festival the interviewer can get quite broad sample but they did not take into account that as there are also many friends and acquaintances that you will meet and have to speak to and for not "wasting the time" they will for sure help you and answer the questionnaire.. So, what happens with the broad and nice sample... Mdm Sister needs to write in her thesis "the sample consisted of the acquaintances and of the people queuing for ice cream or barbecue as they had the most time to answer" :S. Nice work!
But the Singing Festival. Dr Murks thought he had already long time ago lost these patriotic feelings about Estonia as the one and only home. But still, with all these people together, singing all these old and new songs - the cold vibes were just running down along the back bone. Powerful.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Dr Murs is driving a car
Still, nothing was supposed to end as happily as they hoped. Mr Local Dialect found a huge dent at the bumper, really huge... Dr Murks and Mdm Eye had no glue where and when it happened but if taken into account the quality of all the roads they were using - it might have really happened. So, they had to leave a small fortune for the "nice small box" to be repaired. Even Mr Local Dialect felt bitty for them. "Shit happens," he told with red eyes.

So, find a dent on the picture. Not difficult.
Will there be a time when Dr Murks dares to drive a car for the next time?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Dr Murks on a ladder
The conference had really boring title - "Meeting the Waves of Globalization". Could it be more superficial? At the same time - one can make a speech about anything under this topic. No problem to relate to anything and this fact makes it even more boring and bla-la-la. In addition to the topic of "globalization" Dr Murks noticed that there are many other phrases that can be a roof-concepts to anything: "mobility", "neo-liberalism", "landscape", "sustainability", "transformation", etc, etc.
By the way, when one needs to be seen as a real educated person, a simple rule is to use in speech: "etc, etc". Really impressive and high-educated expression!
Reporter: Dr Murks, can you please explain us what was the main impression of the event?
Dr Murks: Hmm, that is an interesting question. There were many ideas and the atmosphere was very inspiring for me. Somehow it was great to see that all these people were just people and nobody seemed to be on higher level than the others. Maybe they were, but it did not look like it. There was, indeed, very friendly atmosphere. The biggest surprise for me was the fact how much the social science is related to geography in these Nordic countries. Many times I had to question the real outcome of the projects some people had made... At the same time it was something totally different and quite much more interesting than all this quantitative frameworks done in UT. At the same time all this not-so-professional just gave so much energy to see that there are more people looking for ladder to climb out from the hole they have just fallen during their research project. For me it seemed that I found the bars and tools to built one and climb out. And of course I hope to keep the contacts that I made with some nice and interesting researchers.
Reporter: Thank you very much for the answer!
Dr Murks: Any time. No problem.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Dr Murks is a gatherer
The ideas were
- in the foaming water after a ship,
- on a hand hold by gypsy foreteller,
- in snow blocks by the road,
- in the snowstorm,
- in summetine,
- in pizza with French fries,
- in the settlement of urban type,
- in diviloopment,
- in fish market,
- in sleeping man during boring presentation, in sleeping man during hyperactive presentation,
- in bossanova music from the open window,
- in neo-liberalism,
- in jokes that sound old even you hear them firs time,
- in butterflies that fly through the chest and stomach when...,
- in rational planner vs rational user,
- in mindscapes, in landscapes,
- in geography that links,
- in an elderly professor who smiles you so widely every time he passes and finally reveals "what a pity that we did not talk earlier. you can always write me if you want",
- in second homes,
- in chocolate,
- on Karl Marx
- in toes that are playing with another toes,
- in woman with pink classes,
- in the screw that drives himself happily into the soft rubber,
- in coffee,
- in the backseat of a bike,
- in...
Maybe also in the tears of a small girl who was crying so badly in the metro.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Dr Murks is a teenager
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Dr Murks sings Shallallallaaa!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Dr Murks sends old man to the West
The old man has always dreamed of going to the western countries. To see the difference of the nature, of culture, of places. But there have always been distractions on the way. His knees reminded the cold nights spent in a tent during his youth and did not let him make long walking trips anymore, specially on the mountains.. There was that and this and years went by. But tomorrow he will make it. He will make his first steps in central and western Europe. Hope he will bring some weird souvenirs as he is used to. This will be a surprise..
Have a nice trip, dear father! Take care of yourself!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Dr Murks is smelling the Betulas
Dr Murks had forgotten the meaning of the day. But the birches reminded. They were just so strongly smelling by the path that one could not leave without noticing. Dr Murks did not want to break them and bring them home because the birches looked so bright, tender and at the same time powerful standing there. Just take some hanging branches with leaves into palm, but the nose in it and take a deeeeeeeeeeeeep breath. Dr Murks could inhale it for hours. The smell is energetic, the smell is so bright, the smell is mmmmmmm
Monday, May 21, 2007
Dr Murks, videos, music and apples
The Art School is situated in Karlova. One of the best living districts in Tartu. Wooden houses and gardens. So, the walk afterwards in Karlova was like many carrots in the soup! So great! ...or was it music or the mixed videos... The apple trees were blooming like never before. The apple trees were blooming...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Dr Murks is moving the toes...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Dr Murks is whining
Urrrrr! Dr Murks just needs to solve this small problem with the transfer and no new services! Why more new services when even bank teller can not give the service and help with this small misunderstanding with bank account number! Besides, one can NOT pay everywhere with credit card. There is no need to call free of chards to some stranger and tell the bank details - can call to some friends by net if needed! And why to care about the amount of money one can not use before 40 years? Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Good day for you as well!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Dr Murks pulls Mdm Rain's leg
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Dr Murks makes Fish-Face
They say it is the statue in the city center that symbolizes the end of the Second World War, remembers the soldiers died in the War, remembers the soldiers fighting against fascism, symbolizes the defeat of fascism, symbolizes the victory of communism, the victory of Soviet Union, the start of Soviet occupation in Estonia... So, for Estonians it was the end of one bad and start of another. The anger towards Soviet Union is deeply rooted in Estonians, our grandparents, politicians, authorities, cultural heads were killed or deported to Siberia; our farms, animals, homes were taken from us and they were made to nobodies; all public newspapers, books were deeply controlled and censored before published...
I remember an issue of children magazine that was collected from the stores because they managed to publish a poetry about a badger whose home was taken violently by raccoon dog and as referee was one slow and lazy bear the badger could not get the home back . It was just a funny children poetry - why the kids could not read it? - but as it so clearly described the Soviet OCCUPATION in Estonia the issue was quickly removed by... (knowingly by who)
Dr Murks is making Fish-Face. Dr Murks was for the weekend in Southern Estonia having an international seminar on "Creativity in Global Action". Meaning how to become a good Global Citizen, how to make other people aware of the fact that we all live in the one World and depend highly on each other. There were people from Latin-America, Southern Europe and Baltic States. In a simulation game of spreading the money and power around the world a Spanish girl almost started to cry explaining that the money is not the most important. At the same time nobody was really eager to talk about the issue just happening in Estonia. Everybody was just talking so broadly and unrealistic about the problems in the global world and about the activities we can do to make situation better. Once we brought it up there were few questions and after 5 minutes the people were happily dancing Catalonia dances. Dr Murks felt the atmosphere really weird. At one point Dr Murks was talking about it to a Belgian girl lived in Estonia already 2 years and she said quite wisely: "People here do not see how worried you are, how much it hurts you or what it means to you. You are also taking part all the activities and not discussing or talking about it. If you would cry in the corner everybody would come to ask and would like to know more and understand more. Nobody sees your concern course you are happy and smiling and making jokes all the time." True. It is so hard to explain something that is so obvious to one, at the same time explaining ones reasons, discussing and finding solutions together is the most important thing in every kind of good relations. Fish-Face with no emotions, no explanations brings no understanding.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Dr Murks looks for Coffee Recipes
The day is called "Rattad tööle" meaning "Wheels to Work" meaning that people should use their bikes and as well that bikes should be taken to their workplace every day. In addition to coffee there are many exhibitions put up and there is a competition for the THE-THE .... Bike - depends on the categories made up during the day; and city is explaining their bicycle-roads strategy and the police is coming to explain the safety of riding and the new sticker with a sign "One Car Less" is spread for the people. Hopefully will be fun.

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Dr Murks and 5 new cars
Friday, April 13, 2007
Dr Murks is the Conqueror
This statement turned on many professors and lecturers. All of them, of course, mostly objecting to it. Many, including Dr Murks, sent some examples from their travels about pidgin they or somebody else had heard. But...
Dr Murks is from the North and never had (m)any problems with proper language. At the same time Dr Murks has been pulled into discussions and Dr Murks has been blamed by Southern fellows in dominating with the language and being conqueror on the land. Hey! It was already some centuries ago!!
Once on the market of Lindora that is held every autumn in the very South-East of Estonia an elderly woman told to Dr Murks: "You really should learn seto dialect! How can you live your life without knowing it." And really, beforehand the same woman asked Dr Murks something in the local dialect and Dr Murks did not get any word. So, again some professors from the south were revealing to sentences in Southern dialect that are really-really different from what we use every day in proper language...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Dr Murks is talking to Mdm Egg
"Are you alive or you are dead?"
The Egg asks back:
"Is there a difference?
I am both -
the same for you
there is no distinction between the Two.
What means a life?
What means the Death?
The terms are just parts of existence
like taking bath or having sister.
It is sad to lose a thing or friend
it does not mean they really END.
You wrapped me up in onion peelings
that I could get the colored feeling.
Being golden, fun and happy egg
is all I need and you as well.
The time together -
life or death
can't be the question for the jiff."
Friday, April 6, 2007
Dr Murks is working on Gender Equality
"In Eastern European countries as well as in
Dr Murks is sitting by the computer on Good Friday and working..
Monday, April 2, 2007
Dr Murks in Global Action
Dr Murks head is full of these concepts. The problem is that the meaning is still foggy and often unknown the need on these even after a year in global education network... All of these people can use these words, combinations, but seems that most of them do not really know what the concepts mean... At least Dr Murks meets difficulties to give definitions. And for now again got enough of these topics. Luckily (or not?) here in Tartu people do not care much ab Global Whatever - Dr Murks can peacefully take a small brake in intensive thinking and discussing about these so-so broad theories.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Dr Murks on a way
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Dr Murks is the Cuckoo
In the wedding that more appeared to be a reunion. Old classmates, two of them getting married to each other. Most of them Dr Murks have not seen for several years but majority of them still the best friends to each. Feels like turning back time for 6 years or more... It is known exactly what kind of jokes people are doing, what are their most interesting topics to discuss, body-language, what complexes one have, even their dress-code is not changed. Creepy but fun at the same time.
According to Estonian wedding tradition most of the guests get professions. Dr Murks had a nice profession in the wedding. Every time Dr Murks said "cuckoo" the others had to start with their assignments. The time teller told the time, the kisser kissed, the "crouchers" hunkered down (they were the most dutiful), the dancers took somebody to dance, the clapper made and applause and so on. Dr Murks was like a leader of the pack :).
Monday, March 12, 2007
Dr Murks is jumping on the skin of cow
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Dr Murks in da Summer Cottage
Rounds and round windows have been totally popular for summer cottage districts. Even new built living houses use the same decoration. Only one of the pictures does not have this garnish...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Dr Murks drowned in a political discourse
There are many visions in the air about the future of Estonia. First of all the programs by the parties but as well by the columnists, professors, local philosophers, aunt Maalis in the country side... The best new solution is to make Estonia into multi-e-country. Already known e-country of Estonia by many internet-opportunities, -solutions as well the e-elections. You can make everything in the net! But why not to make this e- in the beginning of country meaning ECO as well? Would be nice to live in eco-country, ecologically friendly, balanced and sustainable life in Est. Dr Murks would love it.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Yellow-Hellow, Dr Murks!
Like Mr Alliksaar wrote in his most beautiful poem "...do not hurt the child who lives in your soul" and he did not even mention Yellow. He mentions many other important things, but jeee... impossible to translate - would just destroy the beauty. Lets stick to Yellow! :) Mmmmmmmmm, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow dreams.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Dr Murks is walking on the holy water
Dr Murks went to the market. Meat and carrot and spices for soup, flour and seeds for making bread, cottage cheese just for pleasure... were written in the list. The quickest way is the waterway. And hops (!) town from the riverbank right on the water. "Watch out! There are many holes in the water!" is shouting Mr Fisherman sitting on his comfortable bench. "Thank you!" and Dr Murks is careful walking on the holy water.
He was walkin on the ice, whooo, he was walkin on the ice....
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Dr Murks is the Handicraftsman
Monday, February 5, 2007
Dr Murks is waving to Mr Njume
As you are used to say there: "We are together!"
W e a r e t o g e t h e r !
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Dr Murks belongs to a group of GOOFs
As Dr Murks did not have to make any presentation, managed to shift this responsibility to Mdm Siiri then most of the time the conference was just like "glee and flowers party" as Estonians like to say about not so stressful events. Some participants were a lot of fun, was nice to chat about many topics, drink some vine, beer and brandy together... Hmmm, for example one guy from Gdansk really sounded like Mr Georg from Chemnitz :). He had exactly the same accent like he has, only Mr Georg speaks a little slower... Maybe it is some kind of Central European thing to sound like this, anyway it was fun to listen. He even told about his many foreign girlfriends as also Mr Georg have had... Deja vou... :)
Dr Murks has to tell the secrets. There were two really embarrassing things... Firstly, that Dr Murks drank too much at Friday night that he needed to sneak out from the auditorium during the second Panel-session on Saturday and free himself from still existing poisons in the body. Really embarrassing, hopefully nobody noticed Dr Murks' green face that by the inner feeling stayed green the whole day... Anyway, the Friday evening with interesting people was probable worth it. But next time Dr Murks should not forgot home his friend in the pocket who could tell when to stop drinking alcohol!The second embarrassment was not really up to Dr Murks but somehow he still feels responsible. The working-group from Tartu leaded by the professor of human geography really acted like a group of goofs. It was really sad to see how Dr Murks' working-group did not have any civility feeling towards the other participants... They probable did not speak to anyone there, maybe only answered shortly as somebody asked a question and then run away to stay with other impolite Estonians. They reached to the tip of the cake as just stood up in the middle of concluding session and left the place without saying any goodbye to anyone... Just left for Estonia... Dr Murks can not still believe that this last thing really happened. It was like shouting to organisers face that it is just a crap that you are talking about here!
Dr Murks has to admit that the level of science is quite different in the Baltic States and seemingly Tartu and Tallinn are on the highest level, but the question arises: HOW CAN THEY BE AS THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY SKILLS FOR COMMUNICATION????? Just another bunch of arrogant Estonians. Dr Murks feels embarrassing to be a part of this group... Sad.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Dr Murks lives in the SnowWorld
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Dr Murks is in Boiler

Anyway as a result of last two weeks seminars Dr Murks found some inspiration to start work again in more patient mood.