Dr Murks is sitting on sofa and lets his imagination fly to a wet trip in Karelia, on the other side of the arctic circle.
The team is: Svetka, Masha, Ljoha, Ksusha, Zhenja and Lena. The whole trip can be described with one sentence: "To plan or not to plan? - there is no question as in the end everything will anyway solve smoothly".
There should be a map for not getting lost on the lakes and rivers. In the case Ljoha did not think about it before there is also a change to make pictures of the maps of other tourists in the train. If Svetka makes face enough sad they finally feel pity and give the map as a present.
Everybody should make sure that байдарка (kayak) is in one peace and does not have дырки (holes). 
Specially Masha and Svetka must needle and glue the one carefully before using it as the canvas is old and with the sun is shining through it.

Zenja and Ljoha and Svetka and... are happily making plans where to go. Specially because they found out that the original ideas include a 5km river with all together 80m downfall and stream to the opposite direction :S. The planning will take ages and it is never-ending as the no plan is finally fulfilled. There are always some surprises and keep the brain and mood fresh. Everybody is happily making new and new plans.

Meanwhile just relax and грести (oar). Collect the paper for penalty fare because nobody knew and could not imagine that the байдарка has to be registered :S. And милиция (police) can also wait on 10m2 islands. As least Lena knows that the fine will be expired in half a year and all are willing to wait for these 6 months.
Nevertheless, oaring is opened when the sun is up and also at 2am when the sunlight is still there.
At midnight there is a time to make a stop for обед (lunch) to stew some грибок (mushrooms) with гречка (buckwheat).

In addition to lake-oaring the crew has to cover some distance between the острый камень (sharp stones).

As on-going planning did not succeed arranging train tickets back to the City the hitchhiking trip is leading Svetka and Masha to a bigger town.

And later to a small wooden village Kovda by White Sea to meet the other members of the pack. Due to a different reasons they reach 8h earlier than the others. Much time to examine the village. It turns out that Kovda is a mecca of intelligence. On the picture the intelligence can be seen - a programmer, a philologist, a самовар (a type of teapot), Svetka and a geologist. As the Sea is famous for its high biodiversity - there was also a biology center on the other side of the river.

White Sea is full of different seaweed, shells, starfish, mammals... It is easy to get friends with the rock-star Camilla and her band.

Finally, not to undervalue the importance of a fire-place during a water-rich travel.
The team is: Svetka, Masha, Ljoha, Ksusha, Zhenja and Lena. The whole trip can be described with one sentence: "To plan or not to plan? - there is no question as in the end everything will anyway solve smoothly".

Specially Masha and Svetka must needle and glue the one carefully before using it as the canvas is old and with the sun is shining through it.

Zenja and Ljoha and Svetka and... are happily making plans where to go. Specially because they found out that the original ideas include a 5km river with all together 80m downfall and stream to the opposite direction :S. The planning will take ages and it is never-ending as the no plan is finally fulfilled. There are always some surprises and keep the brain and mood fresh. Everybody is happily making new and new plans.

Meanwhile just relax and грести (oar). Collect the paper for penalty fare because nobody knew and could not imagine that the байдарка has to be registered :S. And милиция (police) can also wait on 10m2 islands. As least Lena knows that the fine will be expired in half a year and all are willing to wait for these 6 months.

At midnight there is a time to make a stop for обед (lunch) to stew some грибок (mushrooms) with гречка (buckwheat).

In addition to lake-oaring the crew has to cover some distance between the острый камень (sharp stones).

As on-going planning did not succeed arranging train tickets back to the City the hitchhiking trip is leading Svetka and Masha to a bigger town.

And later to a small wooden village Kovda by White Sea to meet the other members of the pack. Due to a different reasons they reach 8h earlier than the others. Much time to examine the village. It turns out that Kovda is a mecca of intelligence. On the picture the intelligence can be seen - a programmer, a philologist, a самовар (a type of teapot), Svetka and a geologist. As the Sea is famous for its high biodiversity - there was also a biology center on the other side of the river.

White Sea is full of different seaweed, shells, starfish, mammals... It is easy to get friends with the rock-star Camilla and her band.

Finally, not to undervalue the importance of a fire-place during a water-rich travel.
:) et ba merci bien de l'avoir écrit!:))
väga tore, hakkan teistele linki andma, kuna ise ei ole veel viitsinud midagi kirjutada ja Zheka ei ole veel mulle midagi saatnud!! Aga luba paar keeleparandust - mitte гребать - vaid грести
Ja mitte grew vaid grown-ups:) kui ma õigesti aru sain
Ja võid mind ka edaspidi svetkaks kutsuda, see on lahe:P
Jaga aga palju tahad :). Parandused tegin sisse.
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