Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dr Murks is walking on the holy water

The waterway goes throw the town. Somebody swimming there, oaring in boat, kayak, canoe, rubber boat, raft... Somebody driving in high speed in motorboat, sitting in riverboat "Pegasus" or in lodi "Jõmmu", listening folk music and hearing old people talking about their childhood by the water. Somebody sitting in the hot-water barrel drifting downstream... And fishermen, many fishermen standing on the river bank and throwing their fishing hook as far as possible, sometimes caching fat fish to prepare soup in the evening at home.
Dr Murks went to the market. Meat and carrot and spices for soup, flour and seeds for making bread, cottage cheese just for pleasure... were written in the list. The quickest way is the waterway. And hops (!) town from the riverbank right on the water. "Watch out! There are many holes in the water!" is shouting Mr Fisherman sitting on his comfortable bench. "Thank you!" and Dr Murks is careful walking on the holy water.

He was walkin on the ice, whooo, he was walkin on the ice....


Sveta said...

Yeah, that's such a fun to imagine what is happening right here in summer! I think time doesn't really exist, so all the fishermen, boats and swimmer are also in the river at the same moment:) try to see them!

Murks said...

Yee, it is really funny to imagine! And also many skiers on the river and some Sunday-walkers with classy skirt and coats... as we saw today during our River-walk with Kusta and Tsipe to the direction of the ruins of Jänese inn. Emajõgi is the best!