How does it feel like? How does it feel like to lose your father? How does it feel like to lose the mentor of yourself, your brothers, your sisters, your aunts, uncles, their children... the mentor of the whole extended family... ? But still most of all just a guy who has been always there, who was there when you were just a small child looking with eyes full of curiosity, everything was new... And he was the one you could ask: "Husay? Weti? Wich taym? Ha? Hu? Way? Wich kayn? Hus?" Hmm, and maybe when time passing looking up to him and wanting to become the same in the future... And then realizing that there are more truths than your father have been telling you and sometimes start arguing with him, sometimes just not accepting that he has been drinking too much, too many bottles of palm vine or beer and not communicating to him many days... But in secret still looking up to him and thinking that he is the most powerful and most kind man you can ever get to know...
How many times Dr Murks has waken up in the morning after bad dream seeing his father falling down from the ladder while picking up apples or cutting the branches of tree. "What happened!? What happened?!" Dr Murks screams in his dream and wakes up full of fare that... But hearing somebody smacking his lips in the kitchen like his father is used to do he relaxes and falls into dreams again... Uh. It is probable Dr Murks' greatest fear. Someday it will happen but so far Dr Murks can just be happy that there is somebody agitating Dr Murks to make more sports, to take care of himself, not fall into a power of diseases and just showing with simple shy humble way how much he cares... He is just always there, you do not even have to speak to him that often... you just know that he is there. The prototype of an interesting and funny man.
Leslie, I think you got a lot from him. I never got a change to meet him, but you knew him many years, he was there for you, you were there for him. He was probable a great man as he had a son like you... If you have the same tradition as they had in Santa, I wish you could send an huge amount of gunpowder to the air to kill the death... My respect to this kind man. It is hard to imagine what will your life look like now with all this responsibility I will not say "Ashia" , as it sounds like "sorry, but I can not help"... but I will think of you, pray for you and I know you can manage, you brave young stubborn and (most of all) doughty man.
As you are used to say there: "We are together!"
W e a r e t o g e t h e r !
As you are used to say there: "We are together!"
W e a r e t o g e t h e r !
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