In Riga. Three days on the conference in the purpose of comparing Regional Development in the Baltic States. Scientists, geographers coming from Baltic countries presenting and introducing their work. As there has not been many contacts so far then it was a good possibility to find partners and think up some projects together.
As Dr Murks did not have to make any presentation, managed to shift this responsibility to Mdm Siiri then most of the time the conference was just like "glee and flowers party" as Estonians like to say about not so stressful events. Some participants were a lot of fun, was nice to chat about many topics, drink some vine, beer and brandy together... Hmmm, for example one guy from Gdansk really sounded like Mr Georg from Chemnitz :). He had exactly the same accent like he has, only Mr Georg speaks a little slower... Maybe it is some kind of Central European thing to sound like this, anyway it was fun to listen. He even told about his many foreign girlfriends as also Mr Georg have had... Deja vou... :)
Dr Murks has to tell the secrets. There were two really embarrassing things... Firstly, that Dr Murks drank too much at Friday night that he needed to sneak out from the auditorium during the second Panel-session on Saturday and free himself from still existing poisons in the body. Really embarrassing, hopefully nobody noticed Dr Murks' green face that by the inner feeling stayed green the whole day... Anyway, the Friday evening with interesting people was probable worth it. But next time Dr Murks should not forgot home his friend in the pocket who could tell when to stop drinking alcohol!The second embarrassment was not really up to Dr Murks but somehow he still feels responsible. The working-group from Tartu leaded by the professor of human geography really acted like a group of goofs. It was really sad to see how Dr Murks' working-group did not have any civility feeling towards the other participants... They probable did not speak to anyone there, maybe only answered shortly as somebody asked a question and then run away to stay with other impolite Estonians. They reached to the tip of the cake as just stood up in the middle of concluding session and left the place without saying any goodbye to anyone... Just left for Estonia... Dr Murks can not still believe that this last thing really happened. It was like shouting to organisers face that it is just a crap that you are talking about here!
Dr Murks has to admit that the level of science is quite different in the Baltic States and seemingly Tartu and Tallinn are on the highest level, but the question arises: HOW CAN THEY BE AS THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY SKILLS FOR COMMUNICATION????? Just another bunch of arrogant Estonians. Dr Murks feels embarrassing to be a part of this group... Sad.
As Dr Murks did not have to make any presentation, managed to shift this responsibility to Mdm Siiri then most of the time the conference was just like "glee and flowers party" as Estonians like to say about not so stressful events. Some participants were a lot of fun, was nice to chat about many topics, drink some vine, beer and brandy together... Hmmm, for example one guy from Gdansk really sounded like Mr Georg from Chemnitz :). He had exactly the same accent like he has, only Mr Georg speaks a little slower... Maybe it is some kind of Central European thing to sound like this, anyway it was fun to listen. He even told about his many foreign girlfriends as also Mr Georg have had... Deja vou... :)
Dr Murks has to tell the secrets. There were two really embarrassing things... Firstly, that Dr Murks drank too much at Friday night that he needed to sneak out from the auditorium during the second Panel-session on Saturday and free himself from still existing poisons in the body. Really embarrassing, hopefully nobody noticed Dr Murks' green face that by the inner feeling stayed green the whole day... Anyway, the Friday evening with interesting people was probable worth it. But next time Dr Murks should not forgot home his friend in the pocket who could tell when to stop drinking alcohol!The second embarrassment was not really up to Dr Murks but somehow he still feels responsible. The working-group from Tartu leaded by the professor of human geography really acted like a group of goofs. It was really sad to see how Dr Murks' working-group did not have any civility feeling towards the other participants... They probable did not speak to anyone there, maybe only answered shortly as somebody asked a question and then run away to stay with other impolite Estonians. They reached to the tip of the cake as just stood up in the middle of concluding session and left the place without saying any goodbye to anyone... Just left for Estonia... Dr Murks can not still believe that this last thing really happened. It was like shouting to organisers face that it is just a crap that you are talking about here!
Dr Murks has to admit that the level of science is quite different in the Baltic States and seemingly Tartu and Tallinn are on the highest level, but the question arises: HOW CAN THEY BE AS THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY SKILLS FOR COMMUNICATION????? Just another bunch of arrogant Estonians. Dr Murks feels embarrassing to be a part of this group... Sad.

Dr.Murks! Tram-tararam! you are so cute and nice person - why do you need to drink all that alcohol!!! Just you, Dr Murks!:) You body though is much wiser;)
Aga tegelit tahaks rohkem su varesema posti kommentida, sa kirjutasid oma isast nii tugevalt ja mõjuvalt. Väga tore on lugeda, aitäh!
Oo, dear Svetka! Help me, help me! What should I do with my addiction to this tricky liquid...?
Hmmm, Dr Murks was in shape after all on Saturday, given the circumstances!
but at least the Estonian group left AFTER, and not during or before, the last session...
So Dr Murks has to step up and out of the circle of tongue-tied Estonians and do what he thinks is right. And say things he means to say, thus eradicating the GOOF inside himself
Thank you my dearest friends to bring Dr Murks' mood to higher level again with you kind words. But still, Anchka, Dr Murks is one shy fellow...
Yes, I can understand that. But overcoming the feeling of shyness you will find yourself being the person you want to be. The approval of GOOFs for your action is irrelevant when you know that you're doing the thing that feels right. Have the guts, my dear :)
There is wisdom in Anchka's words.
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