Thursday, February 8, 2007

Dr Murks is the Handicraftsman

Uhuu, besides building furniture yesterday night that ended in totalmurks (like Germans probable would say) or total chaos after drilling the head of the screw into unrecognizable shape; besides knitting gloves with pattern from Pankjavitsa that should be finished by next evening... describes the handicraftsman side of Dr Murks also the fact that he has to but thousands of figures 74500, 101000, 123000 in Excel program into the form of time BY HAND!!! Auuuu! It is like: 74500=7:45, 101000=10:10.... Or by the other hand - let them be in this ugly shape and why not make all the calculations with this miserable form. What a bitty to be a researcher when making things beautiful takes too much precious time...


Anonymous said...

Was this furniture IKEA or a forgery of IKEA?

Murks said...

No, it was just some planks of wood that should have supposed to become the self for hats and scarves...