I know how it goes.
First, you realize how much work there is to do
Then you tell me about it
Then you cannot sleep properly
And you tell me about it
Then you need massage
And you tell me about it
Then you have a boring, waste-of-time meeting
Then you tell me about it
Then you need to work the whole weekend
And you tell me about it
And I go and spend the time with the kids elsewhere
Then you want to read me your text
And you read it to me
While I prepare lunch, clean, light the fire...
Then you go to work in a café
And come back
And tell ma that the sink is not clean enough, the fire is not proper..
And that you have even more work to do
And then I get sad
And do not want to listen anymore
And my face go grey
And my eyes get soggy
You ask: what is happening, what is happening, what did I do?
And I just do cannot speak
There is a lump in my throat
And I just take my dog
And go for a walk
When I come back, I am calmer
But you have been panicking
And you are as cold as ice
Towards me
Because I ruined your evening
You are correct
I did
And I am sorry
I knew it would happen.
But you book a hotel-room
And escape
Because you cannot be around
And I feel lighter too
It is a good idea
Because, I love you
But sometimes it just gets too much
And grows over my head
See you in few days
And I will not ask you again about how are you doing
Because I cannot take in
All your problems
Without flipping out myself
In the end
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