Or is it tyscraphia, or tyskraphia... You, the reader, have probable noticed it, or you have the same disorder. Princess Murks does not get what is this fuss all about around using g, k, p, b, d, t, sometimes even, w, v, o, a, e... and all this other letters that all "look" and sound the same. Is there a real difference between: cold and gold? woter and water? gome and come? billow ans pillow? And all this other word that all "look" and sound the same. Princess Murks suggests that all people (dysgraphs) can write everything as they like and it is up to the readers to interprate the words. Who can not understand has to think again or leave it :). Hurray!
If you'd write like that in your native tongue I would leave it!
Come on. In Estonian the a is always a and not o... and you do not use so many words with g, b, or d (have almost managed to learn them by heart).
I am still reading:)
Nowadays it is even grammatically correct to write "pensjonär" or "muusjum" in Estonian. Though they don't sound like that. Neither does "cold" sound like "gold" in English. Using it just creates misunderstandings, which is quite opposite for what a language is for. I am not against progress of a language (especially when there's no equivalent for smth), but the existing words are mostly worthy at least to try to keep them as they are. Even in English.
you can write like this because obviously you do not have dysgraphia... for dysgraphs "cold" and "gold" sound similar, unfortunately. Much to learn by heart, by eyes, but hardly by listening.
The pure language is beautiful, but the mistakes just come if you have dysgraphia and you are not so pedantic person.
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