Dr Murks went to Pärnu and Pootsi. The roots are there. There was a birth anniversary of the Grandfather. Dr Murks never knew him, never met him, he was dead already long before Dr Murks was born. Dr Murks only knows the stone in the cemetery. They went there to make it clean and bring flowers after having a huge dinner and night long UNO-cards play the last night. And also to visit some relatives living in a coastal village in Pootsi. As always, village people want to give you all the products they grow.. There are always some leftovers :). Now Dr Murks could eat onion-soup for the rest of spring and if there could be any nutcrackers in the house Dr Murks could also eat nuts till engorged.
Some pictures here of the farmhouse and people:
Murks, äri sellele eelmisele kommendile kliki! Saadab arvatavasti viiruse sulle!
A muidu on nii kenad pildid. ilusad ja samas realistlikud:))
Uhuu, kustutasin selle viiruseussi ära :P
A aitäh komplimendi eest.
Kui sul on kodus pähklitangid, siis tule külla, saab pähkleid pragistada :)
See esimene pilt on hästi mõnus. hubane tunne tekib kohe :D
Jep. See on niisugune suur ja lahmakas leivaahi seal Kangru-talu nurgas. Aga kuna enamasti käime neil suviti külas, siis ma ei mäletanudki, et oleksin seda kunagi põlemas näinud. Oli kohe vaja pilti teha
naljakas, vaatasin neid pilte ja Kangru maja lõhn tuli ninna.
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