Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dr Murks does not have a man in the house

Taavi is gone. Went away. To the other side of the world - as far as one can go.
Now Tsipe and Dr Murks are heating the flat but it does not get warm. No warmth at all here. Brrrrrrr! Burn as many woods as you can but the rooms are still cold. Two girls are two girls are two girls. The rose is rose is rose. Even the weather went colder in The Soup Town when Taavi left. Suddenly in the middle of the blooming Galanthuses some snow lied to rest. The starting spring is gone.
But from the bright side..
Already waiting for the time when he comes back and brings smell of sunshine, some good ocean shrimps, lobsters and fish from the Southern waters as he normally brought marine-food from the Eastern Islands.
And soon we will share a flat with a guy from South province of Estonia. Already promised to provide us with honey and jam in the case Dr Murks is willing to make pancakes. Sounds like: "What you think of the plan, when we share a common pan: you can bake the pancakes, I can eat them all" Hmmm, will see who will be the cake-baker...
But till Mr Kait moves in, Tsipe and Dr Murks are destroying all the alcohol in the house to get some warmth. Easy.


Anonymous said...

kes siis lesta teeb?

Murks said...

Mnjah, lesta tegija laskis lesta. Pole enam mingit lesta,
tuleb hoopis minna metsa -
ehk sealt veidikene mett saab.