There is no worse occupation than bank tellers. They are always willing to smile you with their red lips, blink their long black eyelashes and play with their silicone nails on the table. Whenever one dares to ask a question or help with some bank transfers or services they just say with their dolly voice "Of course I can help you... But I see that you do not have a credit card. How come? You know that you can use credit card wherever! You can pay anywhere with credit card! You can do everything with it! What do you normally use then when you are traveling!? And maybe you would also want to have a phone service for your internet bank? You can call from anywhere free of charge and just tell your internet-bank codes and ask them to pay your bills. It is so easy then, you know. And I also see that you have your retirement account in another bank... Maybe you could like to transfer it to your Home-Bank where you have your account. It would be so much easier to check the amount of money you already have there. And.."
Urrrrr! Dr Murks just needs to solve this small problem with the transfer and no new services! Why more new services when even bank teller can not give the service and help with this small misunderstanding with bank account number! Besides, one can NOT pay everywhere with credit card. There is no need to call free of chards to some stranger and tell the bank details - can call to some friends by net if needed! And why to care about the amount of money one can not use before 40 years? Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Good day for you as well!
Urrrrr! Dr Murks just needs to solve this small problem with the transfer and no new services! Why more new services when even bank teller can not give the service and help with this small misunderstanding with bank account number! Besides, one can NOT pay everywhere with credit card. There is no need to call free of chards to some stranger and tell the bank details - can call to some friends by net if needed! And why to care about the amount of money one can not use before 40 years? Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Good day for you as well!
By the way. Today they finally found out that there is an error in bank system - the reason why I could not make the transfer..
Hmmm, it is really easier here to fix the problems by phone than face-to-face...
läksin enne pikka reisi panka ja uuris mis loom see krediitkaart on. Tädi rääkis pikalt ja laialt, ma ei suutnud enam kuulata, küsisin et mis mulle kõige parem variant on ja tädi teegi sipsti kaardi valmis. Noh ja ega ma sealt ennem minema ei saanud kui oli mulle pensionisamba ka ära teinud. ah ma olen lihtsalt naiivitar.
Kusjuures, minu meelest on kõige imelikum, et isegi suheldes ERINEVATE telleritega sa hakkad juba viimaks aimama, mis see järgmine asi on, mis nad sulle rääkima hakkavad / pähe määrima hakkavad. Tundub, et kõikidele nendele tibidele on ühesugune peapesu tehtud. Kui kliendina ei olda varmas kiirelt putku pistma, siis peab kogu selle paketi iga kord ära kuulama.
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