"In Eastern European countries as well as in Estonia the paid workers class is more equally divided between men and women than it is in Western Europe (Järve, 2003). In Estonia the share of women among jobholders is 50%, which is much higher than EU average (44%) (Eurostat 2007). Only 11% of Estonian women have part-time jobs (in EU 33%). In Estonia 80-87% of workers in the sectors of social welfare, medicine, hotel management and food are women. Estonian women working days are longer than in Europe, Estonian men spend less time on workplace than European average. On average Estonian men work 4h 55min per day, women 4h 9min, Finnish men work 5h 24min and women 4h 7min. Norwegian women spend the least time on paid work - 3h 39min (Järve 2003). Within Europe the difference between the salaries for men and women is the biggest in Estonia, 25% (Eurostat 2007)."
Dr Murks is sitting by the computer on Good Friday and working..
4h ??? aga mis siis tähendab 8h tööpäev?
No nädalavahetusel ju enamasti ei töötata.. Ning ega need tööpäevadki kõigil niiväga efektiivsed ei ole, võttes veel arvesse, et mõned näod ei viitsi lillegi liigutada. Need on ju mingid keskmised näitajad - statistika. Erinevate riikide võrdlemiseks on küll huvitav, aga samas ei näita inimeste kohta väga oluliselt midagi.
ikkagi on naljakas, eriti endaga võrreldes:)
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