Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dr Murks is the Cuckoo

"Change yourself and you will change the world - not much but still your own small portion. Stay yourself and again something is changing - the world is transmuting but your share is standing still..." like Jäääär is singing.
In the wedding that more appeared to be a reunion. Old classmates, two of them getting married to each other. Most of them Dr Murks have not seen for several years but majority of them still the best friends to each. Feels like turning back time for 6 years or more... It is known exactly what kind of jokes people are doing, what are their most interesting topics to discuss, body-language, what complexes one have, even their dress-code is not changed. Creepy but fun at the same time.
According to Estonian wedding tradition most of the guests get professions. Dr Murks had a nice profession in the wedding. Every time Dr Murks said "cuckoo" the others had to start with their assignments. The time teller told the time, the kisser kissed, the "crouchers" hunkered down (they were the most dutiful), the dancers took somebody to dance, the clapper made and applause and so on. Dr Murks was like a leader of the pack :).


Sveta said...

Hm, päris imelik, et nad ei ole muutunud! kas isegi nemad, keda sa pole pärast lõpetamist näinud ei ole muutunud??

Murks said...

No ega ma kõigiga päris põhimõttelistesse vestlustesse ei suutnud langeda, aga tõepoolest, just väliselt, maneeridelt, olemuselt ei olnud keegi väga muutunud, kuigi mõned nõutavad magistrikraadi, mõned töötavad.. Ehk üks klassiõde, kel oli 1,5 aastane laps. Tema tundus küll märksa enesekindlam, kui kooli ajal..