Dr Murks is calling. Dr Murks calls to a village named Thredbo. Situated in Australia. Dr Murks talks to Tiiu who is currently ended her workday in a restaurant and now at home with friends making carrot cocktails.
Dr Murks is writing an sms. An sms to a phone in Istambul. Iris, Ann and Taavi are there and stating their trip to the East. Also to Australia. Australia is so near.
Dr Murks is receiving an e-mail. An e-mail from an old friend who is working in Sydney. Soon-soon starting to study in an university there.
Dr Murks is making another call. A call to Buea. A small town situated on the roots of Cameroon mountain. Dr Murks talks to Leslie who has not gone out of home for 5 days. There are harsh days in Cameroon these days. Riots on the streets against Paul Biya who is being the most corrupted president of the whole world alreday 25 years now. Fuel and food prices are risen and the president wants to rule another 7 years period. At least Leslie sounds fine and talks happily of his plans to study and get married not before 10 years from now.
Dr Murks gets another e-mail. From Yaounde. Mr Edmond Che gives a n overview of his recent days. An accident with moto - fortunately all is recovering quickly. The days are harsh but still livable.
Dr Murks gets a "pip" from Marcelin, from hot Garua. And makes a "pip" back.
Dr Murks gets an e-mail with a recipe of Arroz Moro from Pinar Del Rio from Liz. With tasty greetings. Mmmmmm.
Dr Murks gets an e-mail from San Francisco. From the most faderly man Dr Murks can think of - Mr Fred. Heyhoo, Fred!
Dr Murks goes for the Easter weekend to Berlin. Just like this. Just for 3 days. Not thinking about all this exhaust the plane gives out... But planning to see Tea, Simone, Vivian and Sepp.